Effects of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature


Response Guidelines

Provide a substantive contribution that advances the discussion in a meaningful way by identifying strengths of the posting, challenging assumptions, and asking clarifying questions. Your response is expected to reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views and writings. Reference your sources using standard APA guidelines. Review the Participation Guidelines section of the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to gain an understanding of what is required in a substantive response.

Peer 1 Response: Cait

Anderson & Bushman (2001) conducted the meta-analysis, Effects of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature, which determined that there was a correlation between playing video games and aggressive behaviors. In a set of 21 controlled experimental studies, Anderson & Bushman (2001) concluded that there was a correlation between playing video games (x) and engaging in the aggressive behavior (y). Table 1 determined that aggressive behavior was measured at r= .19, therefore concluding that the correlation was statistically significant due to a large number of participants that were involved in the research study. Aggressive behavior in conjunction with playing violent video games was tested with 3,033 participants. If there was a smaller sample size (in this case, less than 3,033 participants), the correlation r=.19 may not have been as large or as significant. This result also yielded significant results because r=.19 is positive, rather than negative. In Table 1 it can also be determined that the results displayed significant results because of the homogeneity test. The homogeneity test determined an outcome of x2(32) 23.25, p > .05 (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). It was measured that the p score was 23.25, compared to the normal value used by SPSS and researchers, which is .05. Because the p-value was larger than .05, it yielded significant results for this research study. If the p-value was smaller than .05, it would not hold the same level of significance.

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2-4 Pages Paper on Eating Disorders In Adolescent Girls From Diverse Racial And Cultural Experiences. Explain How The Position Is Related To The Biological And/Or Physiological Development As Well As Psychological

A 2- To 4-Page Paper For Which You Articulate A Position On Eating Disorders In Adolescent Girls From Diverse Racial And Cultural Experiences. Explain How The Position Is Related To The Biological And/Or Physiological Development As Well As Psychological

Psychology homework help

Cultures idealizing thinness, pressure from peers to fit in, and constant images of bodily perfection shown by mass media, along with additional physiological and psychological factors, can combine to create the perfect storm for adolescents struggling with eating disorders. For this Assignment, choose one peer-reviewed research study about eating disorders that focuses on a minority group of adolescents. Consider connections between physiological development, adolescence, and eating disorders.

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 4-page paper for which you articulate a position on eating disorders in adolescent girls from diverse racial and cultural experiences. Explain how the position is related to the biological and/or physiological development as well as psychological development of adolescent girls. Further, explain how such findings can inform evidence-based social work practice. Please use the Learning Resources and the research study you identified to support your answer.

Must be in APA Format

Child Development Multiple Choice Test Questions and Answers

1. The “frog in the well” analogy illustrates:

1. a. that frogs start life as tadpoles.
2. b. that frogs are limited in perspective when trapped in a well, but once freed, they can see the whole world.
3. c. frogs change and evolve throughout their lives.
4. d. humans evolved from frogs.
2. The way people grow and change across the life span is referred to as ____.

1. a. development
2. b. evolution
3. c. change
4. d. growth
3. What is the pattern of a group’s customs, beliefs, art, and technology?

1. a. clan
2. b. society
3. c. culture
4. d. beliefs
4. ____ is the pattern of a group’s customs, beliefs, art, and technology.

1. a. Culture
2. b. Ethnicity
3. c Race
4. d Nationality

6. Who did developmental researchers focus on studying because they assumed that the processes of development were universal?

1. a. Mexicans
2. b. Europeans
3. c. Canadians
4. d. Americans
7. Which study would provide the best picture of worldwide developmental growth patterns?

1. a. Examining patterns of friendship in each grade level at an elementary school in Tokyo.
2. b. Watching a newborn turn into an adult.
3. c. Comparing children raised in Bangladesh to those raised in the United States.
4. d. Every two years, looking at a set group of subjects across 50 randomly chosen countries from birth to death.
8. What did the text define as the increasing connections between different parts of the world in trade, travel, migration, and communication?

1. a. globalization
2. b. social networks
3. c. the Internet
4. d. small world syndrome
9. Globalization is ____.

1. a. the number of births per woman
2. b. the ways people grow and change across the life span
3. c. the total pattern of a group’s customs, beliefs, art, and technology
4. d. the increasing connections between different parts of the world in trade, travel, migration, and communication
10. Which is the BEST example of globalization?

1. a. Jane immigrated from China to the United States.
2. b. Rita participates in a course online in which she is in daily contact with people all over the world.
3. c. The SARS virus spread from Southeast Asia to North America.
4. d. 19.4% of the world's population lives in China.
11. According to the text, for most of history the total human population was under ______.

1. a. 1 million
2. b. 10 million
3. c. 100 million
4. d. 1 billion
12. For most of human history how many children did women typically birth?

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SOCW-6210-6351-Wk1-Responses: Nineteen year old Talia Johnson was the victim of a rape at a fraternity party (Plummer, Makris and Brocksen, 2014)

Response 1:


Respond to at least two colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

· Add to your colleague's suggestion for applying resiliency to Talia's case by suggesting an adaptation of the strategy.

· Critique your colleague's suggested application of resiliency to social work practice, stating whether you might use the strategy in your own practice, and why.

· Be sure to support your responses with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.

Colleague 1: B

Nineteen year old Talia Johnson was the victim of a rape at a fraternity party (Plummer, Makris and Brocksen, 2014). This week’s video depiction highlights Talia’s struggle with navigating her way back into the life she knew prior to the sexual assault (Laureate Education, 2013). The social worker has a glimpse into her daily life, particularly as she struggles with her parent’s understandable discomfort with their daughter remaining on campus (Laureate Education, 2013). Talia views her current situation as stagnant and not easily changeable. During these situations, the professional charged with helping the client achieve the best positive outcomes when pairing their innate resiliency with a Strengths Based Perspective (Zastrow and Kirst- Ashman, 2016). Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman recognize the importance of emphasizing one’s resiliency, particularly when faced with undeniable adversity (Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman, 2016).

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